Swami Nityanand International Academy Danta
"Swami Nityanand International Academy Danta "
Affiliated to CBSE, Delhi

Dining Hall

The School has recently renovated the Dining Hall. It is more spacious and user friendly now. The dining hall caters to one hundred people at a time. Stress is laid on quality, nutrition and hygiene. The dietician on the panel reviews the menu from time to time. A huge variety of food with various diet options is available for the boys. The food ranges from regional to continental, Chinese etc. The menus are not fixed and are changed on weekly basis. We are very conscious about the quality of food and hence only branded products are used. The staff involved with food service and products are put to regular medical checkups. The kitchen is well equipped with modernized equipment.

Contact us

01577-294386 , 919413764190
Danta, Distt. Sikar (Raj.) 332702